MC Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb
Your Exellency : The Rector of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Prof. Dr. H. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si
Honourable : The Dien of Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty
Dr. H. Nur Ali, M.Pd / The Representation.
Your Exellency: The Head of Arabic Education  Departement
Dr. Hj. Mamluatul Hasanah, M.Pdi
Respectable: All The Lectures and Happy Audiences

In the name of Allah The lord of the world the king of the king, the most gracious the most merciful, price be to him the creators and sustainer, who has give us some mercy and blessing until we can meet together in this place, in this good opportunities.
Sholawat and salam delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, from the bad character to the good character then to the best one as we hold today.
We are standing here as Master of Ceremony, we would like to read our agenda.
1.   Opening
2.   Reciting the Holly Qur’an
3.   Singing Mars of PBA
4.   Speeches
-         Kajur (Head of Dapartment)
-         Dekan (Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty)
-         Rektor (Opening Ceremonial)
5.   Praying (The Rector of UIN Maliki Malang)
6.   Closing
Ladies and Gentlement…
Let’s our agenda today by reciting “Alhamdalah”
We supous enough here from us, we do apologize if there is some mistake from us, and the last we say
“Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.”

-         Ladies and Gentlement
-         Let’s open our agenda today by Al-Fatihah together. Alfaatihah…
-         Thank you very much.
-         The next agenda is Reciting Holy Qur’an. It will be delivered by our brother Doni Tata.
-         Time is available
-         We would like to say thank you very much for the reading Qur’an
-         The third agenda is singing Mars of PBA
-         To all audiences, you may stand
-         To all audiences, you may sit
-         Happy Audiences Ladies and Gentlement…
-         The fourth agenda is speeches
-         -- The first speech will be delivered by our beloved Head of Arabic Teaching Dept. Dr. Hj. Mamlu’atul Hasanah. Time is yours.----- Thank you very much for the speech
-         The second speech will be delivered by our Dean Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, Please welcome to Dr. H. Nur Ali, M. Pd. ------ Thank you (time is yours)
-         The last speech will be special presented by our Respectly Rector. Please welcome and give applause to Prof. Dr. H. Mudjia Raharjo, M.Si, time is available and we hope you to open this seminar officially.
-         The following agenda is praying
-         We would like to invite the secretary of Department. Please welcome to Mr. Ahmad Muballigh, M.Pd.I
-         Thank you
-         The last agenda is closing
-         We are as the MC would like to apologize to you all about the mistakes. Let us close agenda today by hamdalah together. Alhamdulillah…
-          The last we say

-         Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 


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